We offer protective agency both for shipowners (OPA) and charterers/cargo owners (CPA) to supervise the counterparty’s agent throughout the port call. As protective agents we ensure that your interests are well taken care of. This helps you avoid any conflict of interest that may arise with many stakeholders involved in a port call. 

Acting as protective agent both for ship owners and charterers and monitor the arrangements of the responsible agent. We are dedicated to protecting the interest of our principals and will always act in their favor and cost savings. 

We provides this facility service to owners & operators and can offer a tailored suite of OPA services including a combination of any/all as follows: Confirmation of port restrictions and any port operating practices. Objective view on any port or berth congestion. Verification of accuracy of proforma disbursement account provided by charterer’s agent. Receipt of owners’ funds and disbursement to charterer’s agent if required. Reporting of port call operation in format required by owner. Attendance onboard vessel throughout entire port call. Checking of all cargo documents, charterer’s agent reports, time sheets and countersignature of final SOF for accuracy. Where disparities occur, inform owner, and resolve conflict if possible. Where reconciliation is not possible, OPA can issue letters of protest as per owner’s requirements. Approving any Bills of Lading. Assistance with any crew-related issues such as medical visits, certificates, crew changes, assisting with any post-call issues etc.